When it Rains it 
really pours

Paul Verhoven

KINGELVISTM is Created by the Mad Scientists of M&V.  Soon he breaks free of the mind control imposed on him and begins wreaking havok on the world!  He devours television stations, factories, nuclear waste dumps, and several hundred tons of peanut butter and banana sandwiches as city after city fall to his might.  Not since the game Rampage has such destruction been seen on the screen!  Jets, tanks, missles, boats, Cadillacs - nothing can stop the Might of KingElvis!!!!
ORIGINAL TITLE: (Japanese) Might of KingElris (1998)
CITIES DESTROYED:  Tokyo, New York, Detroit, Montreal, Oshgosh
MONSTERS:  KingElvis, SupaMegaKingElris (SuperMegaKingElvis), Cadillac X-2