KINGELVIS vs. SupaJenna

She Gave me
a Mountain

Ron Jeremy

KINGELVISTM is on the rampage!  Nothing can stop him!! 
But when Adult Film Star Jenna Jameson suddenly grows to enormous sizes (and heights!), seemingly due to the same Super-Strength Formulas given to U.S. pop stars some time ago, not only does KingElvis have a new foe, but some serious scandal questions are raised!  Like; if the Government never gave the formula directly to Jenna (causing her current mutation into SupaJenna) then who did she have relations with to get the same super-properties passed on to her?!  While news-shows and tabloids the world over discuss this obvious headline, KingElvis continues to trash the planet!  That is until SupaJenna takes him on, empowered by the U.S. with destructo-cones and backed by the Supertank Cadillac X-3 armed with giant bottles of uppers and downers!  Can KingElvis win out against combined forces that embody so many of his weaknesses, or will the US Government fall under the combined weight of Titan-Love!?
ALSO: Special appearence by Steve!
ORIGINAL TITLE: (Japanese) KingElris vs. HentaiHunny (AKA vs. PowaPorno) (2000)
CITIES DESTROYED:  Yokohama, San Francisco, Kansas City, Washinton DC
MONSTERS:  KingElvis, SupaMegaKingElris (SuperMegaKingElvis), JennaJameson, SupaJenna (SuperJenna), Cadillac X-3